And that explains some of where I've been. There are lots of good things to be done, and some rather mundane, but necessary ones, like cooking, cleaning and laundry. But the ones that pull at my heart strings and whisper "yes" in my ear are the ones that include family and outside.
Family is about picnics at the beach, trips to the playground, sprinklers and water guns, and making bubbles and of course the customary bonfires, s'mores and pie irons!
Outside is about digging in the dirt, moving plantings around, and down on my hands and knees weeding. I love to water my flowers. I think I hear them giggle when the water hits then. And I know they smile up at my loving care with their colorful faces. Give me a couple of hours of weeding and moving dirt and I'm then ready to tackle hard stuff.

And as summer is finally upon me, I am continually looking at the list and determining what comes first today. What on my list today will really matter at the end of my journey here on Earth? What is Kingdom worthy and what is earthly and will pass away?
And right in the midst of all the pondering, will I stop pondering and rest quietly so I can hear God's whispers? Will I take time to run in the sprinkler and marvel at the rainbows of colors in the bubbles I create together with my grandchildren and let the to-do list be prioritized by God?
My thought for you to ponder................Where is God in your to-do list today? He doesn't ask us to "do". He wants us just to "be". Are you "being" or "doing" today?
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