I'm writing a book and have a great opportunity to present a proposal to some publishers late in July. The desire has been there born out of a call from God to write and the encouragement of a number of people who have crossed my path. Their words have usually been much the same to me......."You must write a book about your story and God's redemptive work in your life!" And so in obedience I have been writing.
In fact, I've been writing for years. I recently gathered all my journals together and they date back to the early 1970's. I wrote before that, but didn't realize the importance of saving my writing. During my journey of recovery I have written hundreds of pages of journaling, some via e-mail as I processed with others.
My challenge lately has been to bring all of this writing into something that might be hopeful for others. The purpose of my book is to bring hope to others who have traveled a journey of abuse and pain similar to mine. I've been looking for the purpose, for the unique reason for this book to make it different among others and to have it reach the goal of being helpful and hopeful.
Back to Oswald and the devotion. My paraphrase of his comment goes like this. I can't give others what I've found, but I can cause them a desire to go in search of it. And that really resonates with me. I can't give others what I've found on my journey toward hope, but I can use my story to give hope and courage to others who will gather strength and embark on their own journey toward freedom and healing. He uses a portion of Luke 11:9 for his foundation. "Seek and you will find". We each must seek on our own, even though we might be led by another caring one to the seeking place.
And how does the photo play into all of this? I can't tell you about the beauty of God's sunsets and make you get the feeling I get when I enjoy one of His magnificent sky paintings. But I can take you with me to view a sunset and let God speak into you.
And I can take you along on my recovery journey and show you my progress and encourage you to begin your own journey.
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