Thursday, May 16, 2013

.... a promise to pass on


I've been pondering some sweet words the past few days. 

Mother's Day has come again this year.  It's an honor to carry that title.  And with that comes places to celebrate and places to long for more.  We never really stop being a mother, no matter how old our children get.  We hurt when they hurt and we rejoice when they rejoice.  Their joy is our joy to share and we are sensitive to their pain, even when we can't put a band aid on their hurt or kiss away their struggles. 

With five biological children and five sweet spouses, I hold my children's joys and feel their sorrows.  When hopeful words are spoken, they are priceless to me....thus the words one of my adult children shared with me on Mother's Day 

"Mother, I was thinking in church what a difference you've made from how you were raised to how your grandchildren are raised.  You gave us a promise to pass on."

I want to hold those words, write them on my mirror and in my heart........"You gave us a promise to pass on." 

Those words are sweet, hopeful and a reminder of a gracious God who keeps His promises. 

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