Someone shared these words with me yesterday and I’ve been thinking about them in my own life. There are places in my life where I have continued to resuscitate things -- unhealthy relationships and eating patterns, fears, poor survival dance tactics………………… I could go on but that’s not where I want to focus today.
What does resurrection of new look like? Jesus wasn’t resuscitated in the tomb. He was resurrected. Jesus and His message offered hope prior to the cross. He did good things, healing, casting out demons, caring well for multitudes and loved ones and teaching truth. These were good! After Jesus resurrected from his death, His good became Glorious, Grandiose, and Grace.
What does resurrection look like for me? It is an honoring of what has died or needs to die, and it’s a focus on keeping what’s good and bringing it to a greater life, a new life, new beginnings. Not dressing up the old, but embracing the new, offering God’s intended beauty with it.
Tomorrow I embark on "The Journey". It’s our new title for what has been called S.A.L.T.S. in the past. You can check out SALTS at our web site www.ohmin.org.
There will be need to honor what has caused emotional harm and death, and not resuscitate it, but move toward resurrection of new. New truths to replace old lies, also new ways of living and coping to replace unhealthy patterns of hiding shame and controlling life.
As I ponder those places in my life, my heart is tender to those God will place under my care next week. There will be moments to grieve with them and moments to rejoice the victories of hard fought battles to bring to new life to what was lost in the past.
Wish you were coming along – it’s going to be quite a week of Resurrection! You can journey with us by praying over me and the team. I’d love that! There have been many changes in the recent months at Open Hearts Ministry and we are embarking on lots of “new”. Evil has noticed. Would you join "The Journey" with your prayers for us, both the team and the participants coming to experience the “new” God has for all of us?