It was snowy and icy that day in a little town in northern Indiana. It was about this time of day when a little baby girl was born into this world. She was tiny, just over 6 pounds but she carried within that tiny body a story to be lived, a journey to be traveled, and a legacy to leave.
Now 63 years later as I look back on that journey there are so many blessings to count. There are memories of 44 years of marriage, 5 living children with their spouses, and 16 grandchildren. Recent music concerts and videos of children's plays remind me of the many gifts my children have and the role music has played in many of their lives. There are friends spread across the USA and into some foreign countries. I am blessed.
I have traveled to places I only dreamed as a young girl that I might see sometime in life, such as standing beneath the Eiffel Tower earlier this year in Paris, Monet's Gardens and seeing the Kukenhoff in Amsterdam in the spring with the tulips blooming, finishing off with a trip to Alaska late in the year.
I have touched the lives of some with the redemption story God has written through me. I have seen hope restored, marriages redeemed, harmful habits turned to hopeful and healthy choices and lives turned back to God. I have walked a restoration journey with others that continues to show God's plan and purpose for the life of that little girl born many years ago.
This day brings to close another year on earth and the closing of another year of my life. What will 2011 bring? Where will the journey take me this year? What will the valleys be and how high will the mountain tops be? What will the new memories be? Will I travel well with faith and hope? Will I journey with confidence that God has His plan in place? Will I be a willing traveler on the journey in the midst of disappointments and unmet longings?
My 2011 resolution is to be just that - a willing traveler believing that joy will outlast any disappointments or sadness. Welcome 2011 - a new year with a new journal waiting to record the many experiences and memories.
Do you have your 2011 journal and pen ready to record God's travel journey for you? May you travel well with hope and faith covered with joy in 2011.
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