We aren't promised a bed of roses. What an interesting saying - what would a bed of roses really be? I'd settle for friends healed free of cancer, marriages restored, hearts opened to God's plan for them and longings met. You can have the bed of roses - I'll take the other.
But we don't always have the choice of taking either. God doesn't promise each chapter will end with the prince coming for the princess on the white horse and they live happily ever after. God doesn't promise healing. God does promise that all things will work to my good if I trust Him.
There have been some difficult moments just this past week when trust has been a real stretch of my heart. A dear friend experienced a very difficult situation earlier this week that looked out of the realm of God's fix. So much hope was dashed, and what was to be a celebration had turned to a funeral. As we cried together and prayed, there weren't words to make sense of the trauma. I mentioned the promise about God turning everything to good if we trust. We talked about having blind trust when life makes no sense. I spoke it for my friend's benefit but I struggled to see how God could turn this to anything good. It looked so tragic from our earthly stance.
God had a plan and His promise is true. He turned a funeral into a celebration with the unexpected visit of someone who had been there and could speak great hope into the dashed dreams.
I had pleaded with God earlier in the day to give me a sign that He would fulfill His promise to make things better for me and for my struggling friends. God didn't change the circumstances of my struggle or for the struggles of some of my friends, but He did show up miraculously for one and that is enough for me to begin today with blind trust. God keeps His word - not in my time line and not always with the answer that I'm sure is the right one for me, but He shows up in His perfect timing.
I see God pulling up Google on His computer and locating Georgia and eventually my house where I sit this morning asking for His presence. Right over my house - no - right over my heart is His little push pin. He's aware that I'm here.
If you go back to the photo, you can see a glimmer of Light coming up over the tree line under the dark clouds. I see that Light coming for me.
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