So many things have unfolded since I last wrote on my blog. I've been writing a lot, but not here.
The rose is from a bouquet sent in celebration of Alia's birth. She is my 16th grandchild. And she is as fresh and precious as this budding pink rose.
Other things have been unfolding in my life, too. Window of Hope, the ministry I have directed for 9 years has become Embraced By Hope, Inc.
We are nearing the final steps of the ministry becoming a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit. We need help funding this ministry so it walk through the doors God is opening. We have an open door into Cuba to take hope to them but need to fund our way. The not-for-profit status will make it easier for us to raise needed funding.
I have opened a private practive providing soul care and spiritual direction to individuals. My office doesn't look much like an office, but more like a comfortable and safe room in a home and that's my goal. A safe place for people to speak of their struggles in life and for God to enter the room and direct our journey together.
And today is the day I leave for a writers conference in North Carolina. So many along the way have asked for my book or encouraged me to write one about the beauty God has written of restoration from the ashes of the dungeons of my story.
So...... in obedience to Him and the requests of others, I'm going to the conference with my book proposal in hand and an appointment with a publisher and an agent. "From the Dungeon to the Dance" is in God's hands and my prayer is to be comfortable in whatever God has written as the next chapter in my life. Is it a book or maybe not. Will I connect in ways that open new opportunities to take Embraced By Hope in a new direction? Only God knows what comes in the next few days and I'm resting well in His plan. His will -- not mine.
What's happening with you and God today in your life? Are you clamoring for Him to change His direction for you and go your way and give you what you desire, or are you resting in His plan for you? May you rest in calm and confidence.